This tutorial section contains a collection of step-by-step guides designed to help you build a variety of agents using our platform. Whether you're creating a conversational agent, a multi-purpose text handler, or a question-answering chatbot, these tutorials will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to get started quickly and efficiently.
Build a Conversational Agent
Learn how to build a conversational agent using our platform with a step-by-step guide.
Build a QA Chatbot
Build a question-answering chatbot with detailed instructions and code examples.
Build a Multi-Purpose Text Agent
Create a multi-purpose text agent to handle various tasks efficiently.
Build a Multilingual Translation Agent
Create an agent to translate across multiple languages seamlessly.
Build a Unit Test Agent
An agent that can write unit tests and a README for your Python code.
Build a Travel Agent
Learn how to build and deploy a travel agent for trip planning, real-time weather updates, and flight details
Build an Agentic RAG
Learn how to build an agentic rag with Indexing