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The aiXplain Marketplace offers a variety of assets, including LLMs, models and utilities. This guide covers how to find models using the aiXplain SDK, filter results based on parameters, and retrieve integration code for seamless implementation.

Finding Models in the Marketplace

To search for models, you can list available assets in the aiXplain SDK and apply filters to refine the results.

Let's use query, function, source_languages, target_languages and suppliers to search for translation models from English to Canadian French.

from aixplain.factories import ModelFactory
from aixplain.enums import Function, Language, Supplier

model_list = ModelFactory.list(
suppliers=[Supplier.AWS, Supplier.GOOGLE, Supplier.MICROSOFT],

for model in model_list:
Show output

Use the _member_names_ attribute to see the list of available function types, languages and suppliers.

Show output
Show output
Show output

Listing Utilities

To retrieve utility tools, such as text processing or data transformation utilities:

from aixplain.factories import ModelFactory
from aixplain.enums import Function

model_list = ModelFactory.list(function=Function.UTILITIES, page_size=50)["results"]

for model in model_list:
print(,, model.supplier)

Filtering Search Results

You can refine search queries based on specific parameters:

querySearch by model name.
versionRetrieve a specific model version.
functionAI function performed (e.g., text generation, speech synthesis).
source_languagesModel’s input language.
target_languagesModel’s output language.
ownershipFilters by the owner (team/user).
is_finetunableIdentifies if the model supports fine-tuning.
vendorLists the provider hosting the model.

Search on Discover

Alternatively, you can browse models in Discover to find the ones that best fit your needs and seamlessly integrate them into your workflows.

Select a Model

Open the Discover tab and search for a model. Use the Function and Vendor filters to narrow down your search.

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image

Let's select Llama 3 70B. You can review its specifications to understand the supported input formats and expected outputs.

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image

Deploy the Model

Copy and paste the code snippets from the API integration tab into your projects.

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image

Alternatively, copy the ID of the model and use the code below to get your model.

Docusaurus themed imageDocusaurus themed image
from aixplain.factories import ModelFactory

model = ModelFactory.get("6626a3a8c8f1d089790cf5a2")
result =<INPUT_DATA>)